Sources: Agile2019

Agile in its Third Decade
Agile for me started in ’99 when at a developer conference in Munich there was great excitement about an XP talk being given by Martin Fowler. Since then Agile has […]
Future of Agile is Diversity
The “algorithm” is now an entity. It is a subject that society is talking a lot lately. In 2015, a photo app automatically tagged two Afro-American friends as gorillas. In […]

IMPORTANT: We have transitioned to a new membership platform. If you have not already done so, you will need to SET UP AN ACCOUNT on the new platform to establish your user profile. Your previous login credentials will not work until you do this set up.

When you see the login screen, choose “Set up Account” and follow the prompts to create your new account. You can choose to log in using your social credentials for either Google or Linkedin (recommended), or you can set up your account using an email address.