Call for Submissions: Industry and Practice

Product and Design

XP 2024 – 25th International Conference on Agile Software Development
June 4-7, 2024 • Bolzano, Italy

Important Dates

  • Proposal submissions: February 19, 2024
  • Notification of acceptance: March 31, 2024
  • Deadline to acknowledge acceptance: April 12, 2024

All dates are defined as end-of-day anywhere on Earth.

Please note that some of the dates may change.

Call and Topics of Interest

In an ever-evolving digital landscape where innovation and adaptability are a must, the Product and Design teams play a pivotal role. They are at the heart of creating solutions not only viable and feasible but also desirable from a user perspective and sustainable. 

Agile is not just about being fast or flexible; it’s about creating value in the broadest sense. Join us to reflect on how we can foster a product culture where users and business value are at the core. We invite you to respond to this call and help us explore the following topics.

Breaking the Silos: Effective Collaboration and Partnership

We seek presentations that explore strategies for enhancing collaboration across different functions in an Agile environment. Share your insights on breaking down silos, fostering cross-functional teamwork, and building effective partnerships that contribute to sustainable practices and better products.

Success stories, challenges, and key learnings faced in the interplay between product, design, and technology are what we’re eager for.

Continuous Innovation and Continuous Research: Helping Companies Succeed

How can we ensure long-term success in a rapidly evolving digital landscape?

Leveraging exploration and feedback can be a cornerstone for value creation. 

We would like to see presentations that showcase how continuous innovation and research can drive companies toward success. 

Emphasis should be put on sustainable methodologies that enable constant learning and adaptation, practical strategies for building feedback loops, and examples where insights have sparked novel directions for product development.

Shaping the product before building the solution

Crafting successful software products begins long before the coding starts. When we focus on value for end users we’re heading towards better outcomes.

This theme is dedicated to exploring strategies, methodologies, and best practices that shape the product effectively before diving into the development phase.

How do you ensure products are not only functional but also delightful and user-friendly? Proposals should delve into methods and approaches for effective product envisioning, customer discovery, collaborative design, and validation techniques.

Submission Guidelines

Submissions should contain the following information:

  • Abstract: Explain the general topic, highlight the concepts the session is going to cover (no more than 2000 characters), and the relevance to the conference theme.
  • Learning outcomes: 1-3 reasons why a participant should choose this particular session and what would be the lessons learned.
  • Session style: lecture, interactive, demo. etc.
  • Target Audience: e.g. developers, managers, etc.
  • Level: introductory, practicing, expert
  • Short biography of the speaker(s) and relevant experience

You can also provide any additional information that helps decide on your submission.

Submissions will only be accepted via the EasyChair platform.

Note: In addition to an abstract, you should upload a PDF in the submission system. 


Proposals are evaluated on:

  • Alignment with the conference theme and the track topics.
  • Concern towards the topic of sustainability from an environmental, social and economic standpoint.
  • Originality and innovation in approach.
  • Emphasis on practical applications, case studies, and real-world examples.
  • Clarity and coherence of the proposal.

Furthermore, considering the theme, we will recognize particular value to the proposals made by pairs of speakers or product trios.

Track Co-chairs​

  • Susanna Ferrario, Product Coach & Senior Product Manager Consultant, Italy (email)
  • Raffaella Roviglioni, Design Researcher & Strategist at Thoughtworks, Italy (email)


If you have any questions or comments, please contact the track chairs above.

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