Organizational Change

In this interview I had the opportunity to talk with Erich Bühler, an Uruguayan by birth who moved to Spain many years ago and from there has been helping several […]

Agile Management and Escalation Experiences

In this interview, I had the pleasure of talking with Marc Oliveras. Marc is from Barcelona and for more than twenty years he has accumulated valuable experience working in various […]

Business Agility

Business Agility

Continuando con la serie de entrevista con personajes de la agilidad esta semana tuve el placer de entrevistar a Carlos Iglesias quien desde Barcelona-España habló acerca de Business Agility. Carlos […]

Transformando la Cultura Organizacional

Transformando la Cultura Organizacional

Tuve el placer de entrevistar a Ingrid Astiz, quien es una de la pioneras que se sumó a la fundación de la comunidad Agil en 2009 en su natal Argentina. […]

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