Agile Alliance Presents
Reimagining Agile

Refreshing, extending, and making Agility accessible to all

Reimagine Agile is an initiative to promote Agile and Agility by re-examining and clarifying the core values and principles of Agile and extending those values and principles into new communities such as product management, non-IT organizational units, and overall enterprise agility.

What is the scope of the initiative?

  • To remind us about the historical intent of the Agile movement (partly so that newcomers might better understand).
  • To accelerate the future of agility enterprise-wide by solidifying the foundation of Agile values and principles.
  • To hear from organizations that have been successful at allowing agility to flourish so that we may learn how and what helps make that happen.
  • There is no intent by this launch group to publish a document or update the Agile Manifesto—the Agile community has grown too large for a single document to be effective.
  • Results or outcomes depend on the context in which they were created.
  • The initiative is intended to evolve in an “Agile” way – A decentralized network, self-organizing, organic, not top to bottom but horizontally from node to node.
  • All individuals, organizations, and associations are welcome. We hope each will honor a spirit of collaboration and acceptance of different views.
  • We welcome discussion, points of view, constructive criticism, opinions, differences of opinion, and collaborative and respectful debate.

“Agile is not a one-size-fits-all solution but a mindset that encourages adapting and evolving. It invites us to embrace change, question our assumptions, and continuously seek improvement. So, as we reflect on our Agile experiences, let's hold onto the notion that every disappointment carries the seeds of knowledge and growth.”

– Jim Highsmith, Agile Manifesto Co-author

How can you help reimagine Agile?

It is long past time when 17, or even 100, people can speak for this huge community. We need to share this journey with a broad and diverse audience, asking questions like: 

  • Are you interested in exploring with us?
  • How do we begin this Agile reimagination journey?
  • How do we make Agile and Agility flourish?

Explore the events and resources listed below for specific ideas on how to learn more and get involved.

Reimagining Agile Events and Resources

Our purpose is to get the Reimagining Agile journey ball rolling. How far it rolls will depend on the community. If you’re looking for ways to learn more and get involved, check out these events, groups, podcasts and more.

Reimagining Agile Website

Visit the Reimagining Agile website to learn more and sign up for updates from the initiative team. Visit the site

Join the LinkedIn Group

Join the Reimagining Agile LinkedIn Group and get in on the conversation with your fellow Agilists.

Watch the Online Launch

The launch event occurred on February 13, 2024. There were two sessions with the same panel. This is a recording of the first session. Watch the video

Agile Coaching Network

Listen to the ACN podcast

An Agile Coaching Network discussion of Jon Kern’s LinkedIn post calling for a return to Agile basics and reimagining it for the future. Listen now

Agile2024 Submissions

Join us at Agile2024!

Join us for the Keynote Panel and conversation on Reimagining Agile at the Agile2024 conference. This session will be live-streamed to Agile2024 – The European Experience.

Reimagining Agile posts from our blog

More things that you can do to help

Here are some additional ideas for things you can do in your community, on social media, or at your organization. If you have ideas beyond these suggestions, let us know how we might support you.

  • Post your thoughts on Reimaging Agile, like this post from Chris Stone.
  • Publish a list of other people’s posts that speak to you about this initiative.
  • Comment on someone else’s post.
  • Conduct a podcast with Reimagining Agile as the subject.
  • Speak about your journey to reimagine Agile at an event or conference.
  • Launch an initiative in your association or enterprise.
  • Sign up for the Reimagining Agile mailing list
  • Volunteer for the Reimagining Agile committee by contacting us today
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