Agile For Social Good

Agile2021 Video

Large organizations and enterprises always talk about “operating in a lean-startup” like fashion. Do you ever wonder how does a lean-startup operate? What does it take to make a lean […]

A 6 Month Cultural Transformation: The Penta Story

Agile2021 Video

66% of American workers are disengaged at work. The employees at Penta Technologies, a construction software company based in Milwaukee, Wis., were no exception to this staggering workplace statistic. In […]

Joy, Inc. in Japan!

How I built a Joy Dojo in the land where Kaizen was born. A 8-year journey to transform our culture of the company. Around 2013, we experienced many problems within […]

A Report on the State of Agile in India

The Indian subcontinent has not seen many successful Agile Transformations. In this report we share how a group of 30 Lean Agile Practitioners and thought leaders from industry came together […]

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