What’s New For Agile2021

Agile2021 Conference

If you’ve been to an Agile20XX event before, you know it’s an amazing conference where people from all over the world come together to discuss the latest in all things […]

Agile2021 Planning and Submissions Update

Agile2021 Conference

At the end of every Agile Conference, we hold a retrospective (of course!). The conference chair, program, and track chairs, marketing, etc., all take part. One of the recurring items […]

IMPORTANT: We have transitioned to a new membership platform. If you have not already done so, you will need to SET UP AN ACCOUNT on the new platform to establish your user profile. Your previous login credentials will not work until you do this set up.

When you see the login screen, choose “Set up Account” and follow the prompts to create your new account. You can choose to log in using your social credentials for either Google or Linkedin (recommended), or you can set up your account using an email address.