Agile2021 Updates: Partnerships, Speakers, and More!

Reinventing Agile2021 as an online event has led to reconsidering almost everything about the conference is put together. Moving the event online has opened up opportunities to think differently in designing the experience.
Agile2021’s Commitment to #ChooseToChallenge

A challenged world is an alert world. Individually, we’re all responsible for our own thoughts and actions – all day, every day. We can all choose to challenge and call […]
Agile2021 Submission Iteration 1 Complete – What’s Next?

We did it! The first iteration of content selection for Agile2021 is complete. We received hundreds of great submissions already and are looking forward to more when iteration two starts […]
What’s New For Agile2021

If you’ve been to an Agile20XX event before, you know it’s an amazing conference where people from all over the world come together to discuss the latest in all things […]
Agile2021 Call for Reviewers

Wondering how Agile Alliance conference gets the most innovative, thought-provoking, and noteworthy sessions? Our reviewers find them among the hundreds of submissions we receive. Now is the time to join […]
Agile2021: 20 years of “Responding to Change Over Following a Plan”

With everything going on in this world right now, I’ve found myself using the phrase “I don’t know” more than ever and I’m guessing that you’re probably feeling the same […]
Agile2021 Planning and Submissions Update

At the end of every Agile Conference, we hold a retrospective (of course!). The conference chair, program, and track chairs, marketing, etc., all take part. One of the recurring items […]
Agile2021: Responding to Change Over Following a Plan

When the co-authors of the Agile Manifesto defined adaptivity and responsiveness as one of the foundations of Agile, they could not possibly have foreseen everything that 2020 is throwing at […]