Agile2021 Call for Reviewers

Agile2021 Conference

Wondering how Agile Alliance conference gets the most innovative, thought-provoking, and noteworthy sessions?

Our reviewers find them among the hundreds of submissions we receive. Now is the time to join the review team — we are looking for you!

As a reviewer, you will be guided by the track chairs about what the program is looking for. Then you will get to read some great submissions and help provide feedback to submitters who request it, ensuring that they provide enough detail within the submission to enable your team to evaluate it once it is ready.

This role helps expose you to new perspectives and developments in the subject area. It also harnesses your coaching, mentoring, and reviewing skills to help shape a great program for the track, which typically covers diverse topics over varying levels of advancement. Engagement in this role enables you to receive a free 1-year Agile Alliance membership — giving you access to a wealth of great material — and starting you on the path to other roles within the conference team if that is what you aspire to.

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Picture of Dana Pylayeva

Dana Pylayeva

Dana Pylayeva is an Agile Leadership Coach, an international speaker, author and Agile games designer, and creator of “DevOps with Lego and Chocolate” simulation, “Fear in the Workplace,” “Safety in the Workplace,” and “Dependency Game.” Dana is an ICF Credentialed Professional Certified Coach (PCC), Scrum Alliance Certified Enterprise Coach(CEC), and Training from the Back of the Room Certified Trainer (TBR-CT). She is passionate about unleashing leadership potential in individuals and teams. She brings a powerful…

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