Agile2020 Will Not Move Online


Our sincere thanks goes out to the Agile2020 Conference Chair, Program Committee, Track Chairs, Reviewers, Speakers, Sponsors, Volunteer Coordinators, Purple Shirt Volunteers, Agile Alliance members, and the Agile community as […]

Agile Alliance Conference Updates

Agile Alliance Events

What happens when you can’t hold a physical conference event? Conference organizers put in incredible amounts of work to invite speakers, review submissions, shape a program, and mold the experience […]

Agile2020 Update


In March, the World Health Organization officially declared the novel coronavirus COVID-19 a pandemic. This global health crisis presents vast unique challenges that have impacted many members of the Agile […]

What’s With the Luminaries at Agile2020?


In the almost-20 years since “A Manifesto for Agile Software Development” was written and the 15 or more years before that during which some pre-Agilists were laying the groundwork, Agile […]

Path to Agile2020: First Steps


I started out speaking in the developer community a few (cough cough) years ago and then within the test community, and through those I met great people who were very […]

Submit an Experience Report for Agile2020


What is the most impactful experience you have had on your Agile journey? When you are considering that question, do you find yourself thinking about a story? If so, we […]

Submissions are now open for Agile2020


The Agile2020 organizing committee has just gathered for our first onsite at the Hilton Orlando — the host hotel for the conference. As we were walking around to work out […]

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When you see the login screen, choose “Set up Account” and follow the prompts to create your new account. You can choose to log in using your social credentials for either Google or Linkedin (recommended), or you can set up your account using an email address.