Agile Videos

Practice TDD with Cyber-Dojo

About this video

In this lightning talk, Seb Rose introduces Cyber-Dojo, a free, open source, online training environment for people who want to get better at TDD.

Up to 64 participants can start an exercise within seconds, with no setup and no hassle.

The public Cyber-Dojo server is pre-loaded with a huge choice of languages, testing frameworks, and exercises. Not only that, you can monitor everyone’s progress from the kata dashboard, and go back through every change made by every participant. An amazing teaching tool.

Finally, The Cyber-Dojo Foundation is a registered charity, collecting modest license fees from corporations, using every penny to buy Raspberry Pi’s for schools around the world.

In this lightning talk, Seb Rose introduces Cyber-Dojo, a free, open source, online training environment for people who want to get better at TDD.

Speaker(s) may be willing to present this session at local group meetings and other events.

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