Agile Videos

Dynamic Teams

About this video

Fluidity for the Win!

The long-standing belief that teams are better performing with stable membership, based on Tuckman’s model of Team Development, may not be entirely accurate. Dynamic teams, where people are free to move more rapidly from small group to small group are proving quite effective. As our work grows more complex and our environments more distributed and dynamic, the need for adaptability has correspondingly increased. Explore why dynamic teams may be a better fit for today’s work environment and learn a bit about organizations that are operating successfully under dynamic team models.


Dynamic Teams (Slides)

Fluidity for the Win!

The long-standing belief that teams are better performing with stable membership, based on Tuckman’s model of Team Development, may not be entirely accurate. Dynamic teams, where people are free to move more rapidly from small group to small group are proving quite effective. As our work grows more complex and our environments more distributed and dynamic, the need for adaptability has correspondingly increased. Explore why dynamic teams may be a better fit for today’s work environment and learn a bit about organizations that are operating successfully under dynamic team models.


Dynamic Teams (Slides)

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