Agile Bookstore

Beyond The Windowsill

In the sequel of the Ashanti MWendo series, we embark on a captivating journey with Ashanti as she navigates the complexities of leading two tech giants, Avant-Garde Metaverse (AGM) and Uwazi, while balancing the demands of motherhood and partnership.

The tapestry of Ashanti’s life is richly woven with diverse threads, each essential to her life’s journey. Her husband, Ayo, and twin 12-year-old children, Carmel and Caleb, who live on the spectrum with exceptional gifts, provide her with a steadfast anchor of love and support.

As Ashanti spearheads AGM’s product development and Uwazi’s interim CEO, she must masterfully balance her dual roles, harnessing her agility and vision to spur continuous innovation in both realms. The dynamic world of Uwazi, a nascent venture poised to amplify its Metaverse offerings through the innovative use of AI deepfakes and security tokens, presents Ashanti with new challenges and opportunities.

This captivating sequel will witness Ashanti’s unwavering commitment to her family, career, and passion for innovation. We will cheer her on as she overcomes obstacles and achieves new heights, blazing a trail for other women, men, girls, boys, and ‘they’ to follow.

About the Author(s)
Dr. Dave A. Cornelius

Dr. Dave Cornelius, aka “Dr. Dave,” is an executive and organization coach and learning facilitator. He partners with leaders and teams in for-profit, start-up, and non-profit organizations to deliver awesomeness that meets their goals.

He is the author of eight books that include 1) Beyond the Windowsill, 2) Generative Leadership To Thrive, 3) The Innovation Catalyst, Leading with Empathy, 4) Deliver Value: happy contributing people, satisfied customers, and thriving business, 5) Belonging and Healing: Creating Awareness for Yourself and Others, 6) Elastic Minds: What are you thinking?, 7) Prayers to my Abba Father God, 8) Transforming Your Leadership Character: The Lean Thinking and Agility Way).

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