15 minutes
- Arrange the group so one person is at the front of the group with a number of other participants sitting facing him/her
- The objective is for person 1 to tell a story…with a twist
- Every now and then the storyteller will pause, stumble, or hesitate towards the end of a sentence and someone from the group will finish the sentence for them. For example, “I was walking down the street this morning when I saw…ummm…ummm” “AN ELEPHANT”
- The storyteller will gladly accept the offer from the group and incorporate the suggestion into the story (“Yes, I saw an elephant…”
Learning Points:
- The idea that stories can be built by a collaborative group
- The concept of “yes, and”
- The value of “offers” in team collaboration
- The analogy of this to user stories and how they evolve in unexpected yet creative and interesting ways with collaboration
This exercise was co-created as part of a collaboration day between myself and Paul Goddard and was inspired by Neil Mullarkey