Flipping Agile Pizza


Flipping Agile Pizza

An online mashup of Ralf Kruse’s Kanban pizza and the penny flip game.

The initial version was distributed to my network and I have seen at least one variation. This is the MVP version, which has been improved and can be run as a 45-60 minute workshop.

MVP instructions

How to run it:

Imagine you’re a chef. In front of you is a table and ingredients for a Hawaiian pizza. Yes I know it’s the worst kind, but it was MVP. Feel free to improve it, but please credit me. Like I’m crediting Richard Kasperowski for his influence on this, and Curtis Michelson too.

The goal is to assemble the most pizzas you can in the timebox. Some people call those sprints.

Match the example piece.

Each completed pizza is worth 100 points.
Partially completed pizzas are -100.
Defects have to be trashed. No points.

Anyone can call a defect, but it only counts if the pizza has no work in progress. Spelling and color matter. The pizza must bake according to directions. The customer has quality standards! Who wants a bland, burnt pizza with the wrong ingredients?

Run 3 rounds
Specialists round 1 working alone
WIP limits on round 2
Swarming encouraged on round 3

Have fun. Let me know how it goes. Make it even better!

About Tasty Cupcakes

This content was originally published on Tasty Cupcakes, a community-run website founded by Michael McCullough and Don McGreal after they presented a series of games at Agile2008 in Toronto. The site’s tagline was “fuel for invention and learning.” After 15 years at, the content has found a new permanent home here at Agile Alliance.

The games, techniques, and approaches presented are here to use and explore. All we ask is that you tell others about us and give us some feedback on the games themselves. All of this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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