Women in Agile at Agile2017

Agile is a broad field with great variety in practitioners. Individuals and interactions are at the heart of our work. The Agile Alliance initiative Women in Agile aims to support, encourage, and expand our agile community. People interested in contributing to this mission will be glad to know Agile2017 brings back the Women in Agile event!


If you missed Chris Murman’s post about men attending an event focused on women in this field, then hop on over for more gems like this one, “By showing up and just participating, I’m explicitly stating I appreciate the work women do for the Agile community. Some of my best friends in the Agile community are women, and I’m proud to celebrate them.”


But don’t just take Chris’ word for it! Other attendees shared the following experience reports:


“[Women in Agile at Agile2016] gave me just the right atmosphere and environment to plant the seed of becoming relevant and reinventing myself all over again. … I found a sisterhood. Found a band of hearts, ideas, thoughts that resonate and will journey together.” – Rajee


BEAUTIFUL! It touched me deeper than many things usually do and I am ready to revitalize this mission with a new fervor and passion! … We talked, we confessed, we DREAMED …  It was a wonderful opportunity for women and men to meet, work through issues, share experiences and ideas, and form relationships that will benefit the future of not just those present but the entire Agile community. – Natalie


Still on the fence? Check out this podcast interview on Women in Agile and bring your take on these ideas!


Modeled after Open Space Technology and Lean Coffee, this year’s event structure means every attendee holds a vital role in defining the day’s topics. Bring your tough questions about how to improve for the future and propose a session during the marketplace kick off.


Help us to answer questions such as:

  • What prevents you from being more involved in the agile community?
  • What support or actions have helped you or would help you to become more involved?
  • What are the benefits of involvement?
  • How do perceptions affect involvement and interaction?


As we engage together in discussing these subjects and many more, we benefit from the involvement and insight of this supportive, sustainable-learning, group environment.  Share your strategies for successfully advancing women in agile and collaborate in workshops to develop plans for concrete next steps.


Become part of the movement as we celebrate this year’s theme of Empowering the Changing Face of Agile. A separately ticketed event, the Women in Agile event precedes the Agile2017 conference. Capacity is limited, so get this on your schedule today – and extend a personal invitation to another woman to join us!

We hope you found this post informative

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Picture of Claire Moss

Claire Moss

DevOps team member managing non-functional requirements for reliability of systems using Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Agilist working as part of product delivery teams to support and accelerate development through fast feedback. I help teams to craft more executable user stories. Product backlog creator and groomer with emphasis on progressive elaboration. Front-end Javascript development in React or Angular, back-end development in Go, Python, or Node. Test automator using Jest, Enzyme, Newman, Protractor, Javascript, Selenium, or Python.…

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