A Scrum Flight Checklist

Are you concerned that your team might have strayed from the foundational principles of Scrum or deviated from its core practices? This checklist will help you stay on track.
What is Scrumban?

An explanation of the Scrum/Kanban hybrid known as Scrumban.
Scrumban Should NOT Just Be a Hybrid of Scrum and Kanban

Is Scrumban just adding a Kanban board with a few other ornamental changes, or are there deeper issues that need to be addressed? What advantages do you expect to achieve […]
Reflections from a Non-Technical Scrum Master

I had the pleasure of talking with Lina Prato, a graduate of Political Science by training but who has long been involved in the world of project management, and from […]
Software Craftsmanship

I had the great pleasure of interviewing Sandro Mancuso, one of the most prominent representatives of the Software Craftsmanship community. Sandro is the author of “The Software Craftsman”, one of […]
Agile Alliance Entrevistando a Personalidades de la Agilidad Latinoamericana

Recientemente me uní al Agile Alliance en mi nuevo rol de Desarrollador de la Comunidad para Latinoamericana. Previamente a este rol serví por seis años como miembro del Board de […]
Scrum Masters are People Too – Give ‘Em a Break, and a Hand

There are great Scrum Masters and lousy Scrum Masters. There are also great and lousy managers, developers, testers, salespeople, and neighbors. People are people – no matter what their profession […]
Reflections of an Undercover Scrum Master

Our latest conversation is with Dane Weber. Dane took a two-year break from his job as a Scrum Master to join a development team. His perspectives as both a developer […]
Scrum and Micro-Retrospectives

One of the twelve principles behind the Agile Manifesto says: “At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly”. Agile […]
Daily Scrum: Is it a Waste of Time?

Daily Scrum? It’s a waste of time and interrupts my work. Daily Scrum is just a chance for the Scrum Master to show up and micromanage. Daily Scrum is for […]
How to use Agile Frameworks with Agility

There are a variety of aspects of a specific context to consider when you decide which framework you’ll use as inspiration for your team’s methodology. Here are the key choices you need to make.
Scrum Master Anti Patterns: Beware of Becoming a Scrum Mom (or Scrum Pop)

Disclaimer: Of course, this post is in no way intended to be gender-specific. In my experience, there is no difference between the Scrum pop and the Scrum mom. This post […]