Reflections from a Non-Technical Scrum Master

I had the pleasure of talking with Lina Prato, a graduate of Political Science by training but who has long been involved in the world of project management, and from […]
Applying Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD) in a Bank

My guest for this interview was Sebastián Ismael, a software professional and visiting lecturer from Argentina. Sebastián has been with Grupo Esfera, a boutique software consulting company in Buenos Aires, […]
Software Craftsmanship

I had the great pleasure of interviewing Sandro Mancuso, one of the most prominent representatives of the Software Craftsmanship community. Sandro is the author of “The Software Craftsman”, one of […]
Effective Product (Software) Teams

I had the pleasure to interview Eduardo Ferro from Madrid-Spain Eduardo is a software crafter with more than 20 years of experience helping organizations of different sizes to build good […]
Employability Should Be Top of Mind in Agile Education

In this interview, I had the pleasure of talking to Juan Garbajosa, Deputy Vice Rector at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid in Spain. Juan has also been involved in organizing […]
Can Quality Hurt Software Projects?

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Carlos Blé from the Canary Islands in Spain. Carlos is a software crafter with almost two decades of experience in software development and […]
La Importancia del Apartado Técnico en la Agilidad y Cómo Hacer Up-Skilling de Equipos

Esta semana tuve el gran placer de entrevistar a Vicenç Garcia-Altés quien es originalmente de Barcelona pero vive y trabaja ya hace muchos años en Londres. Vicenç es actualmente un […]
Ingeniería de Software en Tiempos de DevOps

Esta semana tuve el gran placer de entrevistar a Nico Paez quien es un profesor universitario, consultor y mentor técnico en DevOps.
Join Us at deliver:Agile 2020

Around this time last year, I tweeted, “XP is not dead; it’s just not where you left it.” I was tired of hearing longtime XP practitioners complaining about the decline […]