Agile Alliance Experience Reports help us understand how Agile really works, the challenges that arise, and how Agile approaches evolve.
They are valuable resources for the Agile community.
There has traditionally been a track at Agile20xx for Experience Reports, where the authors share their stories. This year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Agile2020 was canceled. Yet most of our reporters still finished writing their reports.
On October 6, Agile Alliance is delighted to present three amazing Agilists who will recount their very personal Agile coaching and transformation experiences.
- Kaluhi Anzigale will discuss her report, “What Happens when Agile Goes Away?” Kaluhi joined a company that was on a robust Agile journey where healthy team dynamics and practices were the norms. Then things drastically changed when the company laid off the entire Agile Lead Team. Kaluhi faced the challenge of being the lone Agile coach retained for a three-month period to help transition her role to others in the organization. What was a real eye-opener to Kaluhi was how quickly the company culture changed.
- Nate Ashford in his report, “Transformation Begins with Me”, will explain how he saved his life by deliberately living the principles he espouses at work every day and how that decision made him a better person and a better coach. Nate’s personal story of how he transformed after a life-changing health scare is an inspiring one. As Nate remarks, “…the unknown unknowns we cannot anticipate. They can feel like huge setbacks at the moment, yet they are the measure and the instructor of our Agility.”
- Drew Boyer will share his story of personal growth in, “The Transformation of a Transformation Agent”. Over time, as an Agile transformation coach at Envisage Information System, Drew learned to be at peace with being in service and not have coaching be all about him fixing things. Drew is now “convinced more than ever that a transformation of an organization requires personal transformation. It requires being willing to look at ourselves deeply. Scars and all. It requires caring more about others than ourselves, whether it be the customer or the employees.”
All three of these coaches are deeply engaged in personal awareness and growth in their service to others. We hope you join us and engage as we engage in a lively discussion about the challenges, rewards, and joys of Agile coaching.