Agile Videos

Collaborate and Conquer: Make magic happen with globally distributed, cross functional teams – Ruchika Bhargava

About this video

This is a story about an organisation which has spent 25 years, successfully planning and delivering work collaboratively from all parts of the globe. We will share the things that we have learned, both those things that make global teams work, as well as the traps and pitfalls. We will cover the ways in which our culture and our commitment to Agility has helped us to overcome many of the challenges associated with working in a globally distributed team.

This is a story about an organisation which has spent 25 years, successfully planning and delivering work collaboratively from all parts of the globe. We will share the things that we have learned, both those things that make global teams work, as well as the traps and pitfalls. We will cover the ways in which our culture and our commitment to Agility has helped us to overcome many of the challenges associated with working in a globally distributed team.

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