You can do better than the Spotify Model

Let’s put aside the “bubblegum and unicorns” of the Spotify Engineering Culture videos and talk about what doesn’t quite work at Spotify and how we’re trying to solve it. This […]

Be Agile. Scale Up. Stay Lean.

Scrum, XP, Kanban and related methods have been proven to provide step changes in productivity and quality for software teams. However, these methods do not have the native constructs necessary […]

Performance Reviews that don’t Suck

Many in the agile community suggest abandoning performance reviews, but few offer suggestions for alternatives. A large percentage of software developers work in an enterprise environment where performance reviews are […]

Scaling Scrum using Object Oriented Architecture

Alex Brown and Jeff Sutherland will outline an object-oriented model for scaling Scrum across the entire business enterprise. A modular approach allows the system to function using different specific solutions […]

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