AMA: Gender and Sexuality

*AMA means Ask Me Anything.* The topic of diversity has exploded in the tech industry, but it’s left many questions in its wake. There are new acronyms to learn – […]
Cultural transformation of a large organization – experiences from Ericsson
Many agile transitions begin with the adoption of agile practices. That is relatively straight-forward as often the starting point is a sort of command and control culture making learning of […]
Finding Agreement When Everyone Is Right

Are you a good agree-er? Do others agree with you often? Do you know how to make agreement spread? Have you ever tried to have lunch with a group of […]
Meeting resistance and moving forward
It’s “those skeptical people” who are most annoying. They don’t seem to listen to our ideas. They usually start raising objections before we have even finished describing what we are […]
Agile and The Very Large Organization: A Perfect Match

This session shows how to deliver a multi-billion dollar project based on Agile Principles and Practices without the use of any branded “Scaling Frameworks”.
Breaking Down the Barriers: Communities of Practice and Cross-Silo Communication
Skills sharing, collaboration and cross-silo communication, necessary for Agile projects, can be difficult in matrix organisations where common business practices may be shared across multiple business units. Organisations that strive […]
The Agile BA

This session describes key skills and tools that skillful BA’s often use, aligns those tools with agile frameworks and offers ways to maximize the value of BAs.
The Introvert’s Agile Survival Guide
There’s an elephant in the room that few people are talking about: Many Agile best practices heavily lean toward interaction, collaboration, meetings, and open work areas. These types of activities […]
Does this FizzGood? Improve velocity, predictability & agility by asking a simple question
LeanKit’s founding team had a strong Lean-Agile background from previous careers. So, in the early days of the company, we just instinctively did things in a Lean way with as […]
OFFENSIVE BODY LANGUAGE – Using Body Language to Augment your Message
One of the principles of agile is to use face to face, high bandwidth communication. Body language is a big part of face to face communication. It can be used […]
Drive: How we used Daniel Pink’s work to create a happier, more motivated workplace
Are you inspired and happy in your work? Do you feel motivated to give your best every single day? Inspired by Daniel Pink, we delved into the research of what […]